shoulder pain

Case Study (CS1) (Scoliosis)

October 9, 2017


In the video below (recorded in April 2011), CS1 describes her condition and treatment in her own words.

This female client was approximately fifteen years old when she came for her first appointment. Her mother, a registered nurse, had noticed that one clavicle protruded unnaturally, and subsequent doctor visits resulted in a diagnosis of scoliosis. Neck and shoulder pain were her most serious complaints. She was an otherwise healthy teenager who had an interest in playing basketball on her high school team. The school nurse would not release her to play sports until the spinal curvature was within specified bounds.


CS1's first session of Applied Bio-Mechanics was very successful, resulting in an improvement in posture, range of motion, and level of comfort. Her protruding clavicle and spinal curvature improved significantly during the first session and over the next few sessions diminished to the point that neither condition was outside the normal range. Her parents did not seek additional medical interventions, being satisfied after the initial ABM sessions that she was recovering optimally, and the high school nurse released her to play basketball.

Being a very active teen and playing basketball on her high school team, CS1 found that she performed best and kept her pain level down with follow-up treatments scheduled as needed. During the approximately ten years since she graduated from high school, she has scheduled maintenance follow-up treatments from six months to five years apart, on an as needed basis.

She continues to lead a very active lifestyle, including dance and exercise instruction and professional dog training along with other work and leisure activities.